Meet your photographer

Hello & Welcome!

Obleek PhotographyMy name is Tiffany and I’m a nature & portrait photographer. I work out of my home studio in southeast Edmonton, Alberta. My primary portrait focus is children & pet portraits – everything from annuals, newborn, family milestones, cake smashes and fun, themed sessions. 

As a mother of two boys I know how quickly time passes and children grow up; so much happens in those early years and I want to preserve those memories for years to come. Your baby bump, how both his feet fit effortlessly in dad’s hand, her sitting proudly on her own, those first steps of mobility, his first birthday, her first ‘school’ portraits, all of these things are moments to celebrate and document and I want to do that for you through photography.

My Story

I first picked up a camera when I was about 10 years old, it was an old 110 film cartridge camera and it gave me hours of joy on our road trip from B.C. to Edmonton. My mom gave me her Pentax K1000 when I turned 15 and I opted to follow my photography passion to a new school (and city) the year after as my current school didn’t offer any classes in photography. I spent 2 years rolling & developing film while practicing the art and when I graduated I knew that I wanted my first job to be in a portrait studio.

I was hired for the Christmas season at a local studio and there I stayed until I was acting manager 4 years later, but I wanted my own studio. Somewhere where I wouldn’t have to rush to fit sessions into a 15 minute time slot, where I would have creative control to try new poses and not solely what is scripted and where I could customize the session to the client’s needs without having to explain why I didn’t get all the ‘required poses’ in the allotted parameters (time, pose styles & number of images taken). Sadly I didn’t have the resources to see this dream through and it took a back burner while I caught up on other life milestones (moving to Edmonton, upgrading to a DSLR, getting married and having kids).

While preparing for maternity leave with our first son, my husband and I agreed that I could test the waters by having my own studio in our home and that’s when my dreams took off again. I spent the next 2 years practicing and getting all my ducks in a row. I’m still a full-time mom, part-time photographer and I’m happy to announce that Tiffany Rose Photography is open and welcoming new clients all the time!

I look forward to discussing your portrait vision and making memories with you!

Tiffany Rose ♥

Obleek Photography

Would you like to know what happens before and after a session before we even meet?

Click here for “Everything you need to know about portrait sessions”